Climbing Mountains with a Broken Heart

The Inspirational Journey of Tracy Wilkinson

Life has an uncanny way of testing us, forcing us to confront challenges that feel insurmountable. For Tracy Wilkinson, the Founder of TraceWorthy Consulting, those challenges have been nothing short of life-defining.

Ten years ago, Tracy was confined to a hospital bed in Perth, Australia, after surviving her ninth cardiac arrest. Diagnosed with Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a rare and severe genetic disorder, she was given just days to live. The condition left her wheelchair-bound, unable to move her arms or legs, and grappling with vascular dementia.

Imagine being told your life could end at any moment. Now imagine learning that your daughter and granddaughter likely share the same genetic anomaly. For Tracy, the fear of her own mortality was compounded by an even greater worry: what this meant for her family. Faced with an experimental treatment that offered a slim six-week extension of life but promised kidney failure as a side effect, Tracy made a decision. She signed the waivers, begged to be a guinea pig, and set her sights on one goal: creating a better future for her daughter and granddaughter.

Defying All Odds

What followed was a journey that defied logic and medical expectations. Tracy’s fierce determination to fight for her family and reclaim her life drove her to extraordinary lengths. Every cent she had was poured into her recovery. When funds ran out, her friends organized charitable fundraisers to keep her going.

She built a team of medical professionals, physical therapists, psychologists, and coaches, and with their support, she began the slow, arduous climb back to health. Day by day, she regained control over her body and mind.

A pivotal chapter in her recovery began when she moved to Bali. The stable, warm climate allowed her body to heal without the added strain of fluctuating temperatures. Over five years, she worked relentlessly to walk again, slowly retraining her brain and body to perform even the simplest tasks. By the end of that period, Tracy had achieved what many believed impossible: she could walk in a straight line and had regained 80% of her cognitive abilities.

The Mountains We Climb

Fast forward to this May, ten years after her discharge from the hospital. Tracy celebrated the anniversary by trekking to Machulo, Pakistan, to catch a glimpse of K2, the world’s second-highest mountain.

It was no ordinary trek. For three grueling days, Tracy pushed her body to its limits, climbing to an elevation of 4,270 meters. A freak snowstorm forced her to stop short of her goal, but as she sat on a rock surrounded by snow, she reflected on her journey. From a hospital bed with no hope to the base of one of the most challenging mountains in the world, Tracy had achieved more than she once thought possible.

For Tracy, the snowstorm was more than just bad weather. It was a metaphor for life itself: plans change, obstacles appear, and the summit may remain out of reach. But she did not see this as failure. Instead, she celebrated the journey, the snow under her boots for the first time in her life, and the sheer fact that she had climbed a mountain—both literally and figuratively—with a broken heart.

Redefining Success

Tracy’s story is a lesson in resilience and the power of redefining what success means. Too often, we measure ourselves by outcomes: Did we reach the top? Did we achieve perfection? For Tracy, success is the journey—the effort, the growth, and the refusal to give up, no matter how steep the climb.

Her tenacity and spirit ripple through TraceWorthy Consulting, shaping not only the company but the people who work there. Being around Tracy means learning to embrace challenges with resolve, to see setbacks as opportunities, and to redefine what winning looks like.

A Legacy of Strength and Hope

At TraceWorthy, we are more than a consulting firm. We are a community inspired by the values Tracy embodies: perseverance, support, and continuous learning. Her journey has transformed not only her life but the way we approach our work.

Every client we serve benefits from Tracy’s story, her insights, and her unyielding belief in the human spirit’s ability to rise above. For those facing their own mountains, Tracy’s journey stands as proof that no obstacle is insurmountable when faced with courage, determination, and hope.