A Journey of Transformation: Martijn’s r•Plastic Adventure

In the heart of Bali, amidst the breathtaking beaches and vibrant culture, a Dutch man named Martijn embarked on a journey that would transform both his life and the environment around him. Alongside his wife and three sons, Martijn left the familiarity of the Netherlands to create a new life in this Indonesian paradise. Driven by a passion for sustainability and a vision for a cleaner planet, he founded r•Plastic, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at stopping ocean-bound plastic waste through innovative, land-based solutions.

The Beginnings of r•Plastic

With the support of TraceWorthy, Martijn’s dream began to take shape. In the earliest days of r•Plastic, TraceWorthy’s founder, Tracy, worked closely with Martijn, helping him to discover his core values, what truly mattered to him, and how to build a business that reflected those principles. The journey was not just about creating a company but about personal growth and self-discovery.

A few days ago, Tracy checked in with Martijn to see how he and his business were progressing. Her message was simple yet profound:

Are you having some wins?

Tracy Wilkinson

Reflecting on Wins

Martijn’s response was a heartfelt reflection on his journey so far.

Hi Tracy. Thanks for the message. It was a bit confronting to me; I had to think about my wins!
Directly, this would mean ‘did I make good sales?’ To that: no. But it’s starting!
Small orders are dripping in.
Indirectly, ‘did I make good progress?’ To that: oh yes!
The workshop is great, we make awesome stuff, we hosted the first school field trip, and we made the surf rack prototype! And many more things.
My main job now is to believe in myself! Ups and downs 😉

Martijn Huizing

Achievements and Milestones

Despite the initial slow sales, Martijn’s journey with r•Plastic has been marked by significant achievements and milestones. The workshop is a hive of creativity and innovation, where recycled plastic is transformed into functional and beautiful products. One of the standout creations is a unique surfboard rack made from recycled plastic, a testament to the potential of stopping ocean-bound plastic waste through ingenious land-based initiatives.

Moreover, r•Plastic recently hosted its first school field trip, educating the younger generation about the importance of sustainability and the endless possibilities of recycling. This event not only spread awareness but also inspired the students, leaving a lasting impact on their young minds.

The Personal Journey

Martijn’s story is not just about business success but also about personal growth. Moving to a new country and starting a business from scratch is no small feat. It requires resilience, adaptability, and a strong belief in oneself. Martijn candidly shares his experience of self-doubt and the importance of believing in himself. His journey is a reminder that entrepreneurship is filled with ups and downs, but it is these challenges that shape us and make us stronger.

A Vision for the Future

As Martijn continues to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape, his vision for r•Plastic remains clear: to create sustainable solutions that make a tangible difference. With each small order, each innovative product, and each educational event, r•Plastic is making strides towards a cleaner, greener future.

A Call to Support

Martijn’s journey with r•Plastic is a powerful testament to the impact one person can have on the world. By supporting r•Plastic, you are not only helping to stop ocean-bound plastic waste but also contributing to a vision of sustainability and innovation.

Visit r•Plastic’s website to learn more about their initiatives and discover how you can be part of this transformative journey.



Martijn’s story is one of courage, innovation, and unwavering commitment to making the world a better place. It serves as an inspiration to all business owners who may face self-doubt but continue to push forward with their dreams.

At TraceWorthy, we are proud to support entrepreneurs like Martijn, helping them turn their visions into reality and create lasting, positive change.