Embracing Regeneration, Circular Economy, and Localisation

Why Trace Elements Looks Beyond the Sustainable Development Goals

In today’s world, sustainable development has become a pressing necessity to address global challenges and ensure a harmonious coexistence with nature. At Trace Elements, we embrace a holistic approach to sustainability that goes beyond the traditional focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We believe that regeneration, circular economy, and localisation are key principles that guide us towards a more responsible and sustainable future.

Understanding the SDGs’ Interconnectedness

While the SDGs cover vital aspects such as poverty, education, gender equality, and climate action, they are interconnected, and addressing one goal may have implications for others. The SDG8’s emphasis on economic growth, when not fully aligned with environmental and social considerations, can lead to conflicts with other goals like SDG13 on climate action. For us at Trace Elements, achieving sustainability means addressing root causes rather than just symptoms, acknowledging that nature’s well-being is more critical than short-term profits.

Regeneration and Ecosystems

We firmly believe in regenerating and preserving healthy ecosystems. Our focus lies in a holistic and integrated approach that considers the interconnections between different goals. We prioritise well-being, environmental protection, and social justice over GDP-centric growth measures. By adopting indicators that capture a broader range of well-being and sustainability aspects, we ensure that our economic model aligns with nature’s inherent balance.

Circular Economy and Responsible Consumption

Trace Elements encourages responsible consumption and production patterns to minimise negative impacts on the environment and natural ecosystems. We promote circular economy practices, resource efficiency, and waste reduction to ensure resources are used efficiently and waste is minimised. We acknowledge that transitioning to a circular economy is a pivotal step towards sustainable development and creating a regenerative ecosystem.

Empowering Localisation and Inclusivity

Our commitment to sustainability includes empowering local communities and ensuring their participation in decision-making processes that impact their environment and livelihoods. By recognising the rights of individuals to access natural resources, we strive to create inclusive and just societies that cherish and protect their natural heritage.

Global Cooperation and Accountability

Achieving sustainable development necessitates collaboration among governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals. At Trace Elements, we work collectively with stakeholders to hold ourselves accountable for our commitments and actions. By strengthening global cooperation, we hope to inspire others to take action towards a more sustainable and interconnected world.

At Trace Elements, our vision is to create a thriving and inclusive community that embraces sustainable living and fosters harmony between people, wildlife, and nature. We aspire to be a global model for regenerative development, where diverse individuals from all nations and backgrounds come together to build a better future.

Tracy Wilkinson, Founder of Trace Elements

A Dynamic Framework for Change

The SDGs are not meant to be a rigid blueprint but rather a dynamic framework that evolves over time. We engage with policymakers and advocate for necessary adjustments to align the SDGs more effectively with environmental protection, social justice, and the well-being of all people and the planet. Embracing a sustainable future requires the collective efforts of every individual and society as a whole.


At Trace Elements, we strive to go beyond conventional sustainability measures, guided by regeneration, circular economy, and localisation. By reevaluating and integrating these principles into our approach, we create a vibrant and harmonious community that thrives in balance with nature. We invite all like-minded individuals and organisations to join us on this journey towards a more responsible and sustainable future.

Together, we can co-create a world where humanity and nature coexist in perfect harmony.